

¡Buenas Noches!
Today we had more painting to do...everyone did their fair share today!! We went to a clinic in La Guacima to paint the waiting "room" and the outside. There was also some organizing that needed to be done. We put together educational packets for the young pregnant ladies, and we packaged up some gauze to be sterilized. It was a hot day, but we did not spend as much time painting as we did yesterday-probably because we did not paint as much of the floor as we did yesterday!
This afternoon the kids had a dance class. They learned the basic steps of the Salsa. Lindsey took lots of pictures, and I am looking into getting the videos uploaded on youtube. I have uploaded one of them from the orphanage. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdm2vN96jgI

Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to the dance lesson as I am feeling a little bit ill. Hopefully it subsides before our 2.5 hour trek to the rain forest. I bought some extra dramamine for those who get motion sick easily. We were told to wear closed toe shoes because of the snakes and a change of clothes in case it pours on us. Our job is to plant some trees-should be fun. We'll be back later than usual tomorrow afternoon-just in time for dinner. I don't think the girls and boys will be working much on their tans tomorrow. That will have to wait for the beach on Saturday. I have heard the kids say that the days go by so slow here-but the week is going by fast! They are having a blast, and I think you will have to book your next vacation to Costa Rica so the kids can show you around. I think Tyler is even convinced to take Spanish next year...he thinks it would be "Sick" to be able to speak fluently. :-) That in itself makes the trip worth it.

Hasta Mañana,


Working Hard-Playing harder!

The kids were so good today. There was a lot to paint at the school! The room really did look awesome after we were finished. Tomorrow we paint outdoors at a clinic. Friday we go to the rain forest and help plant trees, and Saturday we go to the beach. Both Friday and Saturday will be Loooooong bus rides. I'm heading out to the store tonight to buy the motion sickness medicine for those who might need it. Enjoy the pictures (There are over 100 in this album)!!

I have added more to the Tuesday album so you can see the cooking class.

La Vida en Costa Rica

Today we painted at a school. It was a lot of fun. This is Conor, Haley, Ben, Halle, and Bri. All the young middle school boys were hitting on the girls. It is very hot though and we are all working on our tans and jumping in the pool. We also played soccer with the Costa Ricans and got dominated. Eleven year olds kicked our butts. Next, we have dinner with our host families. Haley's camera got splashed and she is very mad, but it still works. Bri got a sunburn yesterday and we also got colones today!


Lindsey's pictures

Click the pictures to be taken to the web album.

Posada de Belen

This morning we ventured out to Posada de Belen, a home for teenage mothers who have been raped by someone in their families or whose home is too dangerous. The babies were cute, but it was a big reality check for everyone, including Lindsey and I.  It was hard to keep in mind that all of these girls were younger than most of our kids visiting.  I got the director's email address and mailing address and I will share that with you if you are interested in sending more things down.

We played duck duck goose as an icebreaker, and then played a wheelbarrow relay race with the young mothers. After a very lax game of soccer, we hung around and played with their babies. I was so impressed with our kids. The boys were almost more into playing with the babies than the girls were!!  You will notice that there are very few pictures of the mothers...it is illegal to post them as they are under the government's protection.

The weather today is hot and sticky--the kids are psyched to come to the Rancho after lunch to take a dip in the pool before our cooking lesson at 3.  The boys came over last night for a swim before returning to their host families.  Some of them may or may not have gotten into a little arguement with the 5th graders staying here about the currency exchange.  I am happy to report that nothing came of it. 

Thank you so much for your generosity to the orphanage...the director and mothers were overwhelmed-I am sure they will be more appreciative when they actually see what was brought-they only saw the bags. The director had a lot of work ahead of her sorting out all of the stuff we brought.  Otherwise it'd be a free-for-all.  :-)
Hopefully I will get some good pictures to post of our little chefs later. 

Sarah & Lindsey

Pictures from Monday

Some Pictures from Tuesday

Pictures from trip over


First day almost over...

How is it that the 3 guys who speak the least amount of Spanish got the family that speaks the least amount of English??  I'm psyched that they'll be learning a lot.  Everyone is doing well-no one is too sunburned yet.  We spent the majority of the morning at the pool and playing volleyball. The kids went home to their host families for lunch (I haven't hear any complaints yet...), and then we took a tour of the "great" city of San Jose.  I was so nervous like a little mother Hen, and Lindsey and I were feeling like we wanted to make that tour the fastest tour ever.  We then headed up to the town of Moravia to buy some souvenirs. Some parents will have quite a shock at the gifts their child bought them.  Tonight all kids are with their host families for dinner, and they have an 8:00pm curfew.  How's that for strict?  Not like they could find anything to do outside anyway...

The girls got a taste of what Machismo really is today-you would've thought we were with a tour of the next Hawaiian Tropic models or something. Tyler gave quite a few dirty eyes to those looking "his" girls up and down.

Tomorrow is a new day and we will be visiting with an orphanage of teenage girls who have babies who cannot stay in their own homes. It should be interesting...we'll try and keep it upbeat.  Lindsey and I might have a little room in our suitcases for a cute baby or two.  Any one want us to swap their kids out for a toddler or baby?  Let me know.

Will write tomorrow!
Buenas Noches
Sarah & Lindsey

Costa Rica

Its really hot here. And there is a cow that keeps on moooing and Halle wants to kill it along with all the roosters that wake us up early in the morning, and the cockroaches that find away in the bathrooms.
Haley is afraid of putting her feet on the floor because of all the bugs.

Bella and Shannon!

Hey it's Bella and Shannon. We're currently sitting on a couch blogging about costa rica. It's beyond humid, but beautiful. Funny story: Bella was on the plane yesterday, brushing up on her espanol. She reads through the packet we have been given by Senora. She reads the phrases out loud, and without knowing it, says "tengo un bomba." She continues to read the English meaning of this, only to find that she had just said "I have a real bomb." It's beyond us why this was in the packet Senora gave us, but it was hilarious when it happened. Good thing Bella doesn't look like a bomber right?

Meaghan and Tyler

are illin at the ranch.. theres geckos, cows, roosters, and shandawgs. n horses that meghan can ride. AWESOME! lots of lil puppies.

Fun in the Sun

We're relaxing at the Rancho de Español for the early part of the afternoon-everyone has sunscreen on!  After lunch with their families, we will be taking a city tour of San Jose.  I have spoken to the tour guide about trying to get in a soccer game...we'll see about that!  I am going to try to get the kids on here to write, but it is tough to take them away from the pool right now.  :-)


We're here!!

We arrived at around 1:30am your time.  All went well-we have all of the luggage and the people who work here are overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone!  There are so many bags full of donations for the families that they don't fit in our modest room.  What we are excited about is that we have INTERNET!!  I am sitting comfortably on my bed typing this. I look forward to keeping you all updated and I will try to drag some kids in to write some stuff too.  :-) 

The kids are on their way to their host families with the very nice tour guides. I am impressed with how much Spanish they are speaking to us....perhaps some of them will come home fluent! We are meeting tomorrow morning at 9 am to talk about the itinerary and customs here, etc.  Should be fun....pool time will be following. 

Buenas noches for now!


So it's 12:03 and we should be arriving at Logan, but someone silly left their passport on the photocopier at school.  We are now in Newburyport waiting for Señor Bolaños to drop off the aforementioned passport.  Off to a good start!!!



We will be leaving earlier, so please check your email for new flight information!


Packing List

  • Clothes for 7 days
    • Days are warm, nights are cool. A light jacket is appropriate
    • Remember that we will be working hard, so don’t bring ONLY your Sunday best.
  • Bathing Suit
  • Sneakers
  • Any prescription meds
  • Camera-extra batteries or charger
  • Activities/Music for the plane
  • Something small from the area for your host family
  • Sunscreen

Donations for the Orphanage

Here is a list of donations acceptable for the orphanage and school we will be visiting while in Costa Rica. Anything is appreciated!

Coloring books
Reading books
Toys that aren't too small
Tooth paste
Light clothes